Contrucción de Elementos Auxiliares de Calderería, S.L.

CEACSA, is dedicated since 1904 to the manufacture of prefabricated elements of boilermaking, both in iron and stainless steel, as well as the construction and assembly of boilermaking in general. Our wide range of products and services, we have been applying to sectors as diverse as: Chemical Industry, Metallurgical, Food, Glass, Paper, Arid, Construction, Cement, Naval, Railway, Sculptors, City Councils...

Our products

  • Heads for deposits and boilers
  • Cold formed head
  • Heat formed head
  • Plate rolling
  • Tube bending
  • Cones
  • Corrugated furnace
  • Expansion below
  • Sculpture
  • Special orders


Address Carrer Can Tacó, 3, Montmeló, 08160, Barcelona, Spain
Telephone +34 935 681 250
Fax +34 935 681 538